It is our pleasure to announce the new Segment – Cormay Diagnostis Veterinary, and share with you this outstanding portfolio being a powerful line connecting innovative IVD technologies with uncompromised veterinary diagnosis.


Cormay Diagnostics Veterinary products are dedicated to every modern Animal Healthcare Facility, giving the:

Hematology – full range of 3-diff and 5-diff automated hematology instruments Mythic 18 VET and dedicated to veterinary medicine. Up to 13 pre-defined animal species CBC analysis from a single drop of blood.

Clinical Chemistry – Hospital quality for Veterinary Healthcare facility. Tailor-made diagnostic profiles created on patient’s needs.

Urinalysis – Immediate urine sample determination with a lightweight, portable analyzer and multiparametric testing strips.

Parasitology – Standardized Parasitology sample pretreatment using all-in-one sedimentation tube.


We know that the webinar is a condensed knowledge source, therefore, we kindly encourage you to ask all already arised and future questions directly to your Area Sales Manager or via


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PZ Cormay S.A.

Ursynów Business Park
303 Pulawska Street
02-785 Warsaw, Poland