Hematology: Analyzers

Veterinary hematology analysis equipment

The MYTHIC line of hematology analysers was designed for use in professional veterinary clinics and laboratory offices. Those devices combine intuitive controls with quick and accurate results — a full analysis cycle only takes around 1 minute, providing you with 18 or 34 blood parameters, depending on the model. There are multiple animal species defined in the software.

Veterinary hematology equipment also includes reagent kits. Those packs of diluents, lysing reagents, and cleaners allow you to determine a number of blood parameters. See the respective sub-categories for more information.

Calibrators are used to provide the model template for the veterinary hematology analysers. The devices require regular calibration in order to maintain a high level of result precision. That way it’s possible to achieve a reliable and recurrent set of measurements with the automated process. Controls, on the other hand, are applied to monitor the performance of the diagnostic equipment. Stable materials provide you with an insight into the values produced by blood cell counters.

In order to learn more about the range of veterinary hematology equipment, reagents, or calibrators, check the respective.


PZ Cormay S.A.

Ursynów Business Park
303 Pulawska Street
02-785 Warsaw, Poland