Service Support
Dear Distributor,
On this page you can find a lot of useful information and documents related to technical support of Cormay Diagnostics products including manuals, technical notes, software, spare parts and training details.
Access is only granted to our official Distributors.
In case of any technical questions, please contact the International Service Team:
Contact to Service Engineers
Jan Staniak
Service Engineer Specialist
e-mail: jan.staniak@cormay.com
Maciej Greszta
Service Engineer Specialist
e-mail: maciej.greszta@cormay.com
Michał Szubartowski
Service Engineer Specialist
e-mail: michal.szubartowski@cormay.com
Łukasz Mazur
Service Engineer Specialist
e-mail: lukasz.mazur@cormay.com

During our trainings we will try to provide all necessary information about our instruments. Trainings will contain basic principles, followed by analyzers description plus service, adjustment and maintenance procedures. There will be also an opportunity to ask questions to our trainings’ hosts.
After completion of the service training, the Trainee should be able to handle the installation, set-up, operation and after-sales service of the related instrument.
If you'll have any questions, please contact us at support@cormay.com
Visit and subscribe our channel on YouTube:
PZ Cormay S.A.
Ursynów Business Park
303 Pulawska Street
02-785 Warsaw, Poland