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Our recruitment process

  • Let us know you

    Use the application form or send us an e-mail with your CV to

  • Candidates selection

    We select candidates with a CVthat fits our profile best. We invite candidates for an interview by phone and e-mail

  • The interview

    During the interview, we verify the substantive knowledge and skills sought for a given position, e.g. English, Excel or other simulation tsks. The interview is conducted by a member of HR Department and the Head of the Department for which the Candidate is interviewed. We respect the Candidates' time and that's why we conduct two steps of recruitment at the same time.

  • Welcome on board

    We will present a job offer to the selected Candidate. Regardless of the result of the interview, we always inform all Candidates about our decision and provide feedback.


PZ Cormay S.A.

Ursynów Business Park
303 Pulawska Street
02-785 Warsaw, Poland