
A toxicology screen is a test that determines the approximate amount and type of legal or illegal substances in your body. It may be used to screen for drug abuse, to monitor a substance abuse problem, or to evaluate drug intoxication or overdose.

Ethanol after consumption is absorbed in alimentary tract and transported with blood to whole organism. A little amount of ethanol is excreted with urine or exhaled with air, but majority is metabolized by liver to acetic aldehyde, then to acetate, finally to carbon dioxide and water. Ethanol consumption is often cause of various types of accidents, and ethanol poisoning may be cause of decease.

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The specification was based on data determined on selected analyzers. We recommend that all users should refer to the instruction for use (IFU) and instruments’ user or service manuals before proceeding.

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PZ Cormay S.A.

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303 Pulawska Street
02-785 Warsaw, Poland