Bone Metabolism

Throughout a person's lifetime, the human skeletal system is constantly remodeled to maintain a healthy bone structure.
Several diseases and conditions can cause an imbalance between bone resorption and formation, and bone markers can be useful in detecting the imbalance and bone loss.
Bone markers are blood and urine tests that detect products of bone remodeling to help determine if the rate of bone resorption and/or formation is abnormally increased, suggesting a potential bone disorder. The markers can be used to help determine a person's risk of bone fracture and to monitor drug therapy for people receiving treatment for bone disorders, such as osteoporosis and Paget disease. One of the most popular used markers is calcium and phosphate are responsible for mineralize a new protein network in the process of forming new bone by osteoblasts.

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The specification was based on data determined on selected analyzers. We recommend that all users should refer to the instruction for use (IFU) and instruments’ user or service manuals before proceeding.

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PZ Cormay S.A.

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303 Pulawska Street
02-785 Warsaw, Poland