Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is the predominant serum immunoglobulin (~75% of Igs) and is of particular importance in the body’s long-term defense against infection. IgG deficiency is associated with recurrent and occasionally severe pyogenic infections. IgG serum levels are increased in response to chronic or recurrent infections or autoimmune diseases.






On board stability

up to 12 weeks

Calibration stability

up to 7 weeks

Measuring range

0,125-35 g/l

Reagent lines

  • Multipurpose Line

  • ACCENT-200

  • ACCENT-300

  • A-400

  • A-800

  • Prestige 24i
    Prestige 24i IgG (24 positions reagent tray)
    Prestige 24i IgG (36 positions reagent tray)

  • B50

  • OS

Panels: immune, oncological, pediatric screening, specific proteins

Available reagents

The specification was based on data determined on selected analyzers. We recommend that all users should refer to the instruction for use (IFU) and instruments’ user or service manuals before proceeding.

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PZ Cormay S.A.

Ursynów Business Park
303 Pulawska Street
02-785 Warsaw, Poland